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The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

Jul 28, 2021

My guest this week is Mary Voogt, she is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, feeding expert, wife, and a homeschooling mom to four who used to be selective eaters. She is the founder of Just Take a Bite and creator of The Mouth Mind Movement Minerals Method to get kids to say “Mmm!” to nourishing food every day. She...

Jul 26, 2021

This weeks question is from Elizabeth,

“My son, who is 7 is still bursting into tears, yelling, stomping, and throwing things when he makes a mistake or doesn't get his way. It’s hard for him to self-regulate when he has reached his red zone.

In today's Q&A, I'll be talking about strategies that can help your...

Jul 21, 2021

My guest this week is Sarah Frisch, an independent, agender autistic adult. Since their diagnosis in adulthood, they have earned a BA in psychology and pursued a career in autism consulting. They work with parents and other autistic people as well as organizations like Autism Support of Kent County and the Department of...

Jul 19, 2021

This weeks question is from Shante,

“My 7-year-old son stomps, screams, yells and constantly says, ‘I hate you mom, you’re so mean.’ I tell him to use other words to express what about me is mean. Should I tell him to go to his room? How do I get him to stop doing this all the time, even when he’s slightly...

Jul 14, 2021

My guest this week is Brendan Mahan. He is an internationally recognized ADHD and Executive Function expert, a highly engaging, sought-after speaker, and the host of the “ADHD Essentials” podcast. A former teacher, mental health counselor, and principal, Brendan helps individuals, families, schools, and businesses...